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Biggest loser-2016

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Apr 23, 2015
Unspecified Bunker in El Paso - status: vagabond
I get a fair amount of animal fats in but whole lee sheet bro. Switch some of that out for some macadamia nuts and avocado. That's a ton of sodium too lol.
Contrary to popular belief, you can get all your nutrients, in better form, mind you, from animal products.

Saturated fats and meats have never been shown to cause heart disease or weight gain. In fact it's been proven since the late 50's that dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol. For that matter dietary fat has never been shown to be the cause of adipose tissue, body fat.

I've been studying nutrition for a few years now. Started by first learning about what everyone is generally taught, then when I realized it is absolute bunk and has never been proven I delved further into the abyss of nutrition.

Science has never proven what you've been taught to believe, bit what has most certainly been proven is the true culprit of obesity. Whether or not the nutritional field of experts chooses to admit they're wrong or not.

Obesity is a hormonal dysfunction.

You absolutely cannot exercise weight off.

You absolutely cannot semi-starve your weight off without much problem and, as you've already seen here, difficulty.

The two hormones that have clearly been proven to simulate fat storage are insulin and cortisol.

It's never been about calories, exercise or "calories in, calories out"

Resolving cortisol is relatively easy in comparison to insulin if you've been obese for quite some time. Find ways to destress, exercise IS good for this, and get enough sleep. That will reduce cortisol. (I could go much deeper but I'm really trying to keep this short)

Insulin however is difficult to even approach because it will be different in everyone. The first and most significant way is to remove any REFINED carbohydrates from your system. I'm not trying to advocate Atkins or some other named version of the low carb diets here, simply because there is no understanding in the public of their true methods. I'm actually trying to inform you here.

For most people if you simply eliminate anything that's refined or processed, you'll lose most if not all of your weight. Let me reiterate again, fats are not bad. In fact they're great for our bodies. So in exchange for removing those refined carbs like white: breads, rice, sugar, well, just about anything white. All sugars and any sweetened drinks. Desserts go without saying.

If your a person can't lose it all by just doing the above then you need to go a step further. Remove all snacking and any item of good that most people consider snacks. Generally, if it's in a wrapper, or individually wrapped, it's highly processed, probably loaded with sugars or refined carbs. It's garbage for you.

Then there are people that need to go further than this. This is the range of people that are considered pre-diabetic, or have been obese for many years or morbidly obese. Insulin for you flows from your pancreas, literally, at the thought of sugar. I'm not exaggerating, I do mean literally. It's like a Pavlovian response. For those of you, who are like me, even fake sweeteners illicit an insulin response.

Example, if I even eat a meal that's 80% fat and 15% protein and just 5% of the total amount includes carbs that aren't greens, I will stall in my weight loss. I can be steadily losing 2-3lbs a week and I'll have a coke zero and I'll only lose 1 lb or even less that week.

I've played around with this on me for two years now. I eat one big meal at breakfast and a tiny meal around 3pm. Doing this is the only way to keep my insulin levels low enough that I'm continuing to lose weight. I do this intermittent fasting so that even if my body does illicit an insulin response with the meal there's ample time for it to fall naturally.

When I eat 3 meals a day, I'll stop losing weight, despite still being about 40lbs overweight.

I eat virtually zero carb. Honestly I will take in less than 10g of carbs at the most any day. If I drink nothing but water, and eat this way, I continue getting healthier. If I drink something with a fake sweetener, weight loss either slows or stops altogether.

I hope none of you gents are in the boat that I am.

While all this may sound crazy, the research is out there, the doctors are becoming more known. The real science is coming through, but unfortunately you still have to seek it.

On the good side, if you can control your insulin, you can eat all the good stuff you want. (I really did try to keep this short, sorry)
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Apr 23, 2015
Unspecified Bunker in El Paso - status: vagabond
That is a very interesting read, I've actually always wondered about that @KookaRocha.
Let me assure you, this was as condensed as I could make it. I've really barely explained anything. But I do think the gist was understood.

I'll really want to keep explaining because I'd hate for any of you guys to have to endure the years of dieting I did only to gain more weight.

Between 2003 and 2009 I yo-yo dieted like crazy. Most of the time under the guidance of a nutritionist at the VA. I find it appalling that they know their recommendations won't work, and yet they peddle them anyway.

I started seeing the dieticians at about 275lbs, I followed their guidance to a tee. After a few years and even several miserable month's eating less than 1K Calories a day and a virtual vegetarian diet. I weighed 315 lbs. That's when I gave up and ballooned to 350.

They told me I wasn't listening to them. That I MUST be cheating. I wasn't.

Turns out I'm INCREDIBLY insulin resistant. Which means at the slightest bit of foods that, once processed by the body, become glucose (sugars) ie carbs, I produce massive amounts of insulin.

That insulin secretion tells my brain to eat. Eat everything. It tells me I'm not full, I'm still hungry. Then the worst part, it tells my body to store. Use nothing, store everything.

I assure you, yours does the same thing, just likely not as badly as mine does.

So when I followed their advice to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and rice everyday, imagine the consequences.

No kidding, weighing over 300lbs, even up to 350, I would go for runs 2-3 times a week. I'd go on 5-10 mile hikes. It never affected my weight.

Seriously guys. Don't believe the garbage that's taught because the professionals are so prideful they won't admit that they were taught wrong and they've shared the same crap. The facts are out there. Everything from books written for the lay person to the most complicated journal article.

Stop starving yourself, it's only gonna make you miserable.

I really do wish you all the best.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I don't want to derail this too bad. I will say I can relate though very much to yoyo shit. I have settled on being overweight but not morbidly obese. I'm miserable and starving at 1200 calories and happy and fat at 2200 calories.


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
Lifting weights and "calories in, calories out" carved off 20% of my body weight so we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm glad you've found what works for you though. There's a lot of ways to approach this the one you stick with is the one that works.


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
I don't want to derail this too bad. I will say I can relate though very much to yoyo shit. I have settled on being overweight but not morbidly obese. I'm miserable and starving at 1200 calories and happy and fat at 2200 calories.
1200 is way too low. Your maintenance is probably around 2200 try 1800-1900 and take things slow.
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May 31, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
1200 is way too low. Your maintenance is probably around 2200 try 1800-1900 and take things slow.
I'm eating 1900 a day for the last 2 mos. down nearly 30 lbs. I can eat whatever I want but have to come in at or below 1900. So far so good. Now I'm settling in at the 2lb a week mark which is perfect for me. I want to be at 220 come year end.
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Apr 23, 2015
Unspecified Bunker in El Paso - status: vagabond
Lifting weights and "calories in, calories out" carved off 20% of my body weight so we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm glad you've found what works for you though. There's a lot of ways to approach this the one you stick with is the one that works.
I didn't say you can't lose weight by caloric restriction, ie a semi-starvation diet. Fact is, you did it the hard way.

I'm not intending to insult or argue with you, but agreeing to disagree on a topic that had been thoroughly tested and proven, unlike the Diet Heart Hypothesis is like me saying maduro's have a dark wrapper, almost black even and you telling me that we'll have to agree to disagree that it's a lighter shade than a Connecticut.

There are many ways to skin a cat. You were successful and I congratulate you on that, but your success literally falls into a less than 5% success rate on average in a CICO diet.
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Dec 17, 2015
Southern California

Not much progress, lost and gained. I splurged heavily at the theme park lol

Week 1: 282 lbs
Week 2: 272.5 lbs
Week 3: 269-270 lbs
Week 4: 265.5 lbs
Week 5 & 6: 255-256 lbs

Week 7 & 8: 257 lbs

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May 31, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Photo bucket is being a real POS tonight. I weighed in at 293.6. Didn't lose any weight this week. Still at 27 lbs lost. No excuses for why I didn't lose. I broke my diet Friday and Sunday or last week and paid for it on the scale. Here is to having a good week this week.
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May 31, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
refocused on my diet this week and stuck with it. I also tossed in some gym time this week. Looks like I'm back on track. So far a total loss of 32 lbs since first weigh in.

Good luck to everyone this final week.



But I don't live in Memphis
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Dec 29, 2015
Fairfield, CA
Being out of state for a wedding this weekend, this is a number I was fully expecting. After beer and fried foods all weekend, can't expect to lose weight lol.



BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I didn't say you can't lose weight by caloric restriction, ie a semi-starvation diet. Fact is, you did it the hard way.

I'm not intending to insult or argue with you, but agreeing to disagree on a topic that had been thoroughly tested and proven, unlike the Diet Heart Hypothesis is like me saying maduro's have a dark wrapper, almost black even and you telling me that we'll have to agree to disagree that it's a lighter shade than a Connecticut.

There are many ways to skin a cat. You were successful and I congratulate you on that, but your success literally falls into a less than 5% success rate on average in a CICO diet.
I've gone up in weight several times in my life. Nothing obese just 20-30lbs overweight. And I've always taken it back off in 90 days with a reasonable lifestyle change and daily moderate exercise. The only reason I ever put it back on is because of stress at work and POOR DECISIONS WHEN OPENING MY MOUTH. This IMO is what everyone in this thread should be focused on. Not heavy amounts of breakfast sausage and bacon. Both are heavy processed foods with heavy amounts of preservatives and sodium. The one thing you don't do while trying to lose weight is eat excess salt. It immediately makes the body retain water and weight (2.2lbs per liter) and also slams the kidneys.
To everyone in this competition. Keep up the hard work. Make slow changes and a good healthy balanced diet and exercise will always improve your overall health, mind and quality of life......
Currently from 204 to 195 in 40 days. Most importantly I've put on a shit ton of muscle and my pants are loose. I'm also feeling great again every morning with way more energy. (40 mins of high cardio and 30 mins of lifting) To 180lbs I go and to looking like is was 25 again. Slow and steady for me maybe 6 months out.
Good luck gents on your journeys,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
My hardest thing @jolietilfire is staying consistent. Started off well then 2 surgeries and now GF and kid moving in made me choose a lot of meals that were convenient and not smart decisions for trying to loose weight. We ate good though :) I am glad I have lost the weight I have and 20 pounds lost in 3 months is a good start, but a start none the less to where I need to be. The GF and I were talking this morning and little things like a walk around the neighborhood after dinner are the types of things we need to include every day along with eating better. There is only one week left in this competition and I am a little disappointed I didn't reach my personal goal, but happy with the bigger picture.

That said, nothing gained and a very small loss this week.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
to me making your meals from scratch is the single most important thing anyone can do for your health. You will know every single ingredient that goes in it. And be responsible for it.
Like your homemade spaghetti. Using ground turkey instead of Italian sausage. Same thing for tacos, turkey.
Or even a hotdog. Use a all beef no preservatives hot dog. (They are about 3x the cost but you and your overall health are worth it.)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
I'm a big fan of the Myfitnesspal app. It takes a lot of the thought out of the process for you and most foods can be input by simply scanning their bar code. I think it makes it easier to be flexible yet accountable and most importantly makes sure your not shorting yourself. Eventually it just becomes routine.