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Cigar Aficionado Top 25

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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446   0   0
Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Love ya Nate, but if I put 700 unbanded cigars in front of you, you'd be lucky to "guess" 10 of them correctly.
I'll take you up on that offer. When should I expect them!?!?!? It's going to take awhile for the results to get back to you.
I am getting volunteers out of the woodwork the last few minutes to help donate to get the sticks to you. I'll start sending them soon and you can submit your guess as you go.
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Jan 2, 2013
Grosse Ile, MI
To me, it's just a list. For some, it's an introduction to cigars...and for that reason, I cannot knock CA's annual ccontribution (but seriously, Romeo #3).


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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391   0   0
Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Love ya Nate, but if I put 700 unbanded cigars in front of you, you'd be lucky to "guess" 10 of them correctly.
I'll take you up on that offer. When should I expect them!?!?!? It's going to take awhile for the results to get back to you.
I am getting volunteers out of the woodwork the last few minutes to help donate to get the sticks to you. I'll start sending them soon and you can submit your guess as you go.
Why is it that this type of joke works for HD but not me? Please no cigars in the mail from anyone.
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
Aug 22, 2012
Madison, WI
OK, so after work this afternoon, I stopped into the local B&M (as is my Friday ritual) and they did have the Flor de las Antillas toro. So I got one. Here's my capsule review: I did not like. Unremarkable flavor, and a really bad burn (kept getting that hard charred nugget at the end-- is there a term for that??). Maybe I just got a bad stick, but I'm not inclined to have another. Followed it up immediately with a short smoke-- the Perdomo La Tradicion Cabinet Series in cameroon (petit Corona). Perfect, as always. What a relief.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
Rating - 100%
446   0   0
Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Love ya Nate, but if I put 700 unbanded cigars in front of you, you'd be lucky to "guess" 10 of them correctly.
I'll take you up on that offer. When should I expect them!?!?!? It's going to take awhile for the results to get back to you.
I am getting volunteers out of the woodwork the last few minutes to help donate to get the sticks to you. I'll start sending them soon and you can submit your guess as you go.
Why is it that this type of joke works for HD but not me? Please no cigars in the mail from anyone.
Fuck that, it's on


Rating - 100%
105   0   0
May 2, 2009
Love ya Nate, but if I put 700 unbanded cigars in front of you, you'd be lucky to "guess" 10 of them correctly.
I'll take you up on that offer. When should I expect them!?!?!? It's going to take awhile for the results to get back to you.
I am getting volunteers out of the woodwork the last few minutes to help donate to get the sticks to you. I'll start sending them soon and you can submit your guess as you go.
Why is it that this type of joke works for HD but not me? Please no cigars in the mail from anyone.
Fuck that, it's on
Ha ha ha lmfao.


King Dude
Rating - 100%
49   0   0
Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
Love ya Nate, but if I put 700 unbanded cigars in front of you, you'd be lucky to "guess" 10 of them correctly.
I'll take you up on that offer. When should I expect them!?!?!? It's going to take awhile for the results to get back to you.
I am getting volunteers out of the woodwork the last few minutes to help donate to get the sticks to you. I'll start sending them soon and you can submit your guess as you go.
Why is it that this type of joke works for HD but not me? Please no cigars in the mail from anyone.
Fuck that, it's on
Ha ha ha lmfao.
Haha...gotta love it!


King Dude
Rating - 100%
49   0   0
Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
CA's list, no matter how much we like or dislike it, is a huge boon to cigar shops. When the top 10 come out I get customers calling like crazy to order them. I walk into stores and they will have a copy of CA with the top 25 and mark which ones they have in the humidor. It is really hard to fault a company for taking care of the people who take care of them. You can have 25 top 25 lists and maybe find 3 or 4 cigars on all the same lists, the rest are just subjective to who they need to pander to or what thier tastes are. We all have different tastes. Im sure if Suckling had his way the top 25 would be almost exclusively ISOMs. I would have mostly Nicaraguans. I do love the conversations these spur though...
Last edited:
Rating - 100%
67   0   0
Sep 30, 2012
Northwest Suburbs of the Windy City of Chicago
CA's list, no matter how much we like or dislike it, is a huge boon to cigar shops. When the top 10 come out I get customers calling like crazy to order them. I walk into stores and they will have a copy of CA with the top 25 and mark which ones they have in the humidor. It is really hard to fault a company for taking care of the people who take care of them. You can have 25 top 2 lists and maybe find 3 or 4 cigars on all the same lists, the rest are just subjective to who they need to pander to or what thier tastes are. We all have different tastes. Im sure if Suckling had his way the top 25 would be almost exclusively ISOMs. I would have mostly Nicaraguans. I do love the conversations these spur though...
+1 to this ^^

Just a newb here so don't mind me, but I do think at the end of the day this list from CA helps a lot of people in the industry, B&Ms, sales to people probably who are not us. But if these sticks that some of us wouldn't smoke didn't get touched we wouldn't have the awesome variety we've come to love. We "experts" of the forums know what we like and will continue to smoke exactly that, but there are so many casual smokers out there that depend on this list. After all, every cigar is a handmade product and there is someone for every stick that makes this list. If we claim to be at the top of our game, do we need confirmation from CA to tell us we were right??

Smoke what you love!!!

Please return to your regularly scheduled programming...


BoM May '14
Rating - 100%
93   0   0
Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
I think the FDLA at #1 is well deserved, it's one of my favorites. I have not tried the others, except the Tat Cojonu '12 Sumatra.


BoM July '12
Rating - 100%
343   0   0
Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
was just reading the CA site, and the comments section. i realize that there are ALWAYS going to be people disagreeing with ANY list, nature of the beast, but how do you argue on their own forum? really?


BoM March 2013
Rating - 100%
192   0   0
Oct 27, 2012
I can't imagine how much harder it would be to get some LPs if they made it on the list, so selfishly I am glad, but I would love Drew Estate to get more recognition for the great smokes they make
Rating - 100%
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Jan 5, 2013
Drew Estate has nothing but class. The love of the industry coming from the factory is shown in the products they produce. Not having the Ligas on the CA list is bullshit IMO. Thank you SSaka for your releasing your personal blend.
Rating - 100%
3   0   0
Jan 5, 2013
LP is always a bridesmaid... <sigh>

Probably a good thing considering...

Yeah, it's pretty retarded but I guess it's good for us. ;)

Sent from my Galaxy S3 while getting a blumpkin!
I find myself agreeing with Hoshneer's statement as I loom over my Humidor. Selfish Liga whore. I admit it.

Country Blumpkin...same...but in an outhouse.