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Guns, sticks and knives oh my


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
That is too funny. The TDL came from the Jaw Jacker Knuckle dusters that I designed for AI. I use the TDL on my Boston Terriers.

The way to use the TDL is to have the knucks in your strong hand, your dog on your weak side with the leash running through your weak hand. If there is a threat you unhook the leash from the knucks and go to town.


Deceased Dictator
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Sep 4, 2007
I`m just getting caught up on this thread. Quite interesting.

Ron, you know me too well.

A rolled up magazine is a wooden dowel and the stick is my favorite mechanical force tool...
I walk with a cane. I`d say in most cases, it`s all the weapon I need. Of course I still carry a knife, a big ring of keys and have no qualms about fighting dirty:stretchgr


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
I do some cane work. The thing with the cane is to realize that the reason you are using one is a reminder that you cannot get involved in a drawn out altercation or over extend yourself. Resist reacing out and swinging at targets. Give a faint to the balls and when the hollow out and bend over, hit them in the side of the head.

I also like to take the hook and put it behind the head and snap it forward. If done hard enough it can lead to a KO. Hooking behind the knees and ankle is good too. Be lazy and only kick people when they are down.


size does matter
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Jan 29, 2007
Los Angeles, Playa del Rey
where the hell do y'all live???:wtf:

I think I have the spyderco, sharpening system, the one with the V-shape setup for the stones, damn, that gets the knife sharp.

I rather rely on my bloodthirsty labradors to protect me

that of course means I'm screwed


Brother Borealis
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Jul 19, 2005
Peters Creek, Alaska
I rather rely on my bloodthirsty labradors to protect me
Don't sell 'em short! My wife surprised a bear that was raiding our garbage can just last week while I was in San Diego. Our gentle, submissive Chocolate Lab charged out the door, all hackles and teeth, snarling like she's never heard him. He chased that bear up and down the driveway a couple of times and may even have gotten a nip or two in.


BoM Oct '07
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Jun 24, 2006
Too far from the mountains
First, a belated welcome to BOTL from me! Glad to have you aboard.

I have a question regarding your opinion on personal defense ammo for snubbies. When I carry, it's a Smith 642 with a 2" barrel, or my Ruger SP101 in .357 with a 3" barrel.

125 gr. Remington Golden Sabers shoot well out of both, but I've read conflicting reports on whether or not a JHP will have the velocity out of a snubbie to open up. Remington's online tables give the .357 a velocity of 1220 and the .38 (+P) only 975. And, I'm guessing that they were tested out of at least a 4" barrel, so mine would be even lower.

What's your recommendation for a good personal defense round for each? What do you think of the Corbon 100 gr. Powerball ammo for the .357?

Thanks for letting us pick your brain!


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
Here is the deal, everyone talks about what OO Buck will do right? I put two rounds into someone and it failed to stop him, even along with other 9MM and 40 S&W rounds. The second two rounds of OO Buck did it but he did not burst into flames or turn off like a light switch. Because of this I don't get involved in the magic bullet hunt.

The rounds you named would be fine. They are commonly accepted HP personal defense rounds. DO NOT expect people to stop when shot. Shoot and move to cover/safety.

While we are on the subject I had a close friend and private student today for his first handgun training. He is 50 and has been shooting his entire life. He brought a Glock 36 45 ACP. I had him fire a magazine at a black dot at 7 yards as a diagnostic. He was low left with an overall spread of about a foot. After about 2 min of correction his next group was about 3 inches. My point is get some training instead just wasting your ammo which is more and more expensive everyday. He is just started marksmanship trainging. Then will go to defensive pistol, then we go onto integrating the handgun in to an overall combatives program. Gonna be interesting too, he is in a wheelchair.


BoM Oct '07
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Jun 24, 2006
Too far from the mountains
Thanks, I appreciate the info.

Your point about training is well taken. I'm to the point where I know that I can shoot better if my technique was to improve, and sending boxes of ammo downrange by myself is not doing it. So I'm going to start by signing up for some time with the range handgun instructor and go from there.


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
Just do a little research and define your goals. There are plenty of people out there qualified to teach markmanship, the NRA has awesome programs. When you get to defensive handgun you have to be careful, some peope think it just means shooting fast from concealment. Then when you try to find someone to integrate it into and over all combative systems.......good luck. Too many trainers are guncentric and don't realize the gun is just one tool choice for the job. You don't decide what tool to use before you access the job, but if you only have a hammer everything is a nail.

Whether students or trainers want to admitt it you need open hand, stick, knife and firearms. Marksmanship is to a gunfight as cultural martial arts are to a street fight. The mechanics are the same but it is a much dirtier business.


BoM Oct '07
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Jun 24, 2006
Too far from the mountains
Good advice. The range instructor is limited to marksmanship I believe. I checked NRA and the only handgun courses in my area are a couple of Basic Pistol and one Personal Protection in the Home and one Outside the Home. No First Steps Pistol, no Personal Protection. Still, these couple (along with range instruction) will go a long way for me.

Empty hand training for me was 30 years ago, but I can still stick my finger in somebody's eye and then run like hell!


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
I can assure you that I have stuff that works for everyone. My mother is in a wheelchair and my dad hobbles. That is what happens when I don't like my Christmas gifts.

When you are young the open hand is what you don't have to use a gun or a knife, when you are old it is what you do to allow you to get you gun or knife out..

Having a gun and knowing how to use it is like having a race car in the garage, open hand skills are what opens the door of the garage.


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
Thanks, started off five years ago as a vanity site and somehow turned into a business. Clck on news to go to my blog for even more stuff.


BoM Feb 2010
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Jul 1, 2008
Nazareth, PA
Great site! I have particular respect & admiration for those who are fortunate enough to turn a personal passion into something that becomes lucrative. Nothing beats loving what you do.

My next purchase will most likely be a Dakota Defender by K&D.. I've only heard good things so far... any thoughts?

ps- what's you favorite 'range' cigar? Haha!