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Keto - Gettin Healthy on Steak and Bacon. Info, Tips, and Recipes


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
A buddy of mine (Keto skeptic, carb enthusiast for working out) says his nutritionist put him on 240g of carb a day (he does work out a ton) and less than 55g of fat per day.

I was shocked because I eat more fat than that and he works out 100x more than I do.
Well, his body is using carbs for energy, yours is using fat now.

A lot of "nutritionists" especially gym nutrionists, aren't digging deep into science, they're just continuing traditional recommendations.

Low fat diets are a difficult way to lose weight, and are much more likely to leave you deficient in important nutrients, but they've been the standard recommendation for 70 years.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Birthday dinner...
No cake (damnit!) I know there are keto recipes, we just didnt think that far ahead.
Grilled tri tip and broccoli. Not pictured is the salad.
*side note, i could not finish all of this.

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Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
Birthday dinner...
No cake (damnit!) I know there are keto recipes, we just didnt think that far ahead.
Grilled tri tip and broccoli. Not pictured is the salad.
*side note, i could not finish all of this.

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Isn't that crazy.

Yeah, we didn't think ahead enough either. Ended up making a keto Peanut butter pie a day later. Already had the erythritol. Still haven't picked up any liquid stevia.

Happy Birthday man!


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Hey guys, I was on vacation since the 11th until Tuesday. Like I said I would, I didn't do Keto on my vacation, but probably only had 2 days were I was over 50 grams of carbs. I did bread twice, and had quite a bit of shellfish with glazes or sauces that were likely high in sugar. Maybe I was over more than 2 days, but I still ate fairly clean.

Tested Tuesday when I get home and showed no ketones at all. Started back on the diet Wednesday and am in the low to medium range since yesterday. Hopefully back into high ketosis by the end of the weekend?

I liked the way I felt better when I had high ketones in my system. Not sure when I'll come off again. Results are still great, waist is smaller than before I broke my leg and was sedentary for so many months....but I still have some little bacon slabs on my lower back I want gone.

Hope you all are having success, please update your past 10-11 days in a single post if you'd all be so kind.


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
Hey guys, I was on vacation since the 11th until Tuesday. Like I said I would, I didn't do Keto on my vacation, but probably only had 2 days were I was over 50 grams of carbs. I did bread twice, and had quite a bit of shellfish with glazes or sauces that were likely high in sugar. Maybe I was over more than 2 days, but I still ate fairly clean.

Tested Tuesday when I get home and showed no ketones at all. Started back on the diet Wednesday and am in the low to medium range since yesterday. Hopefully back into high ketosis by the end of the weekend?

I liked the way I felt better when I had high ketones in my system. Not sure when I'll come off again. Results are still great, waist is smaller than before I broke my leg and was sedentary for so many months....but I still have some little bacon slabs on my lower back I want gone.

Hope you all are having success, please update your past 10-11 days in a single post if you'd all be so kind.
Nice! Sounds good. Hope you had a great time. Sounds like you struck the balance well.

I'm considering now how I'm gonna strike that balance in the future. I'd like to average 30 - 100 Grams of Carbs per day, but don't want to lose the benefits of feeling great.

I cheated twice in the last ten days, first real cheats since Christmas.
Felt like garbage afterwards. Energy crash and arthritis flare up.

Did some fasting to compensate.

Hit my initial weight goal, which was pretty damn cool! But realized the sad reality of how much muscle bulk I've lost since college. I'm going for abs, so it looks like I'm gonna have to drop well under what I planned to clear off the last of the visceral belly fat to achieve that.

Getting more and more serious about my workouts. Trying to increase my pullup and pushup reps, moving towards harder variations with the goal of achieving super moves in the coming years. One arm chin up, handstand to 90° pushup, muscle up etc.

So probably gonna end up 15lbs under what I expected to, then try to add 5 - 10 pounds of lean muscle per year over the next few years.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Excellent, Jeremy, it's really working for you. I agree that I feel much better on the super low carbs now. I hope to find my "sweet spot" (no pun intended) for carbs after I've lost that last little bit of back fat I am trying to lose. I'm wondering too if I'll lose a lot of the benefits if that spot is above 50 grams.


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
Excellent, Jeremy, it's really working for you. I agree that I feel much better on the super low carbs now. I hope to find my "sweet spot" (no pun intended) for carbs after I've lost that last little bit of back fat I am trying to lose. I'm wondering too if I'll lose a lot of the benefits if that spot is above 50 grams.
Hopefully not. If we can just find the balance.
I think I'll be ok adding in the nutrient dense lower GI carbs, beans, sweet potatoes etc. I'm even having some of those in small portions now.
I think I'll have some very occasional potatoes. Young redskin potatoes are supposed to be lower carb, lower gi than russet.
It's the wheat flour that seems to really screw me up.
But if I go to a Macaroni grill, I'm having some foccacia bread.... ;)
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May 14, 2012
Hopefully not. If we can just find the balance.
I think I'll be ok adding in the nutrient dense lower GI carbs, beans, sweet potatoes etc. I'm even having some of those in small portions now.
I think I'll have some very occasional potatoes. Young redskin potatoes are supposed to be lower carb, lower gi than russet.
It's the wheat flour that seems to really screw me up.
But if I go to a Macaroni grill, I'm having some foccacia bread.... ;)
I'd like to think for me I'll be having more brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, etc. Then blow it out on a weekend with the fries and spaghetti.

I'd THINK (Don't know this of course) that by sticking to this under 50g in the long run has got to have massive benefits and that having a blowout on it occasionally will only make it easier to stick to.


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
I'd like to think for me I'll be having more brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, etc. Then blow it out on a weekend with the fries and spaghetti.

I'd THINK (Don't know this of course) that by sticking to this under 50g in the long run has got to have massive benefits and that having a blowout on it occasionally will only make it easier to stick to.
You can have about as much Brussels as you want now. Sweet potatoes, about 1/4 of a good size one can be squeezed in the macros.

If it turns out your body responds to wheat carbs like mine does, the spaghetti just isn't worth it. Plenty of other things to cheat with though.

Some people get motivated to stick with it after feeling worse from the junk, others go into a terrible downward spiral. Just depends on the personality, self control, and ability to have perspective I think.

Btw, if you haven't tried the zoodles for spaghetti yet , definitely do.
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May 14, 2012
You can have about as much Brussels as you want now. Sweet potatoes, about 1/4 of a good size one can be squeezed in the macros.

If it turns out your body responds to wheat carbs like mine does, the spaghetti just isn't worth it. Plenty of other things to cheat with though.

Some people get motivated to stick with it after feeling worse from the junk, others go into a terrible downward spiral. Just depends on the personality, self control, and ability to have perspective I think.

Btw, if you haven't tried the zoodles for spaghetti yet , definitely do.
I ordered some keto cookies (will make my own later potentially) from Amazon. I'm hoping they help the sweet cravings without making me want more. I've already decided if they make the cravings worse then I will not get anymore.

I don't see myself losing this. I can instantly tell you when I've had too much carb in one sitting, etc I think already. I haven't had an afternoon crash from lunch in a month no matter how much I've eaten. Tells me my blood sugar is much more stable (not that I am diabetic or have those concerns)


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
3 1/2 days back on strict Keto, under 10 grams a day, and I just tested and show no ketones (I was low/medium yesterday, and low this AM). I was hoping I would go into high ketosis quicker this time, but looks like that's not the case.


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
3 1/2 days back on strict Keto, under 10 grams a day, and I just tested and show no ketones (I was low/medium yesterday, and low this AM). I was hoping I would go into high ketosis quicker this time, but looks like that's not the case.
I'm still of the mind that what it's measuring is just excess Ketones. And the further along you are, the body gets better at producing right near what you need, with less excess. If that's the case, it "shouldn't" have an effect on energy, the other benefits, OR rate of fat burn. Blood or breath ketone meter might give you quite different results as well.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Dont know if any of you have seen these or tried them. A friend at work recomended them to me. And Holy Shiiiiittttt! Amazeballs!
The coconut one tastes just like a mounds bar, but they are all great. And only 2 net carbs?!
Oh, they came from Aldi if you have one near you, check them out.

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Jul 23, 2013
Dont know if any of you have seen these or tried them. A friend at work recomended them to me. And Holy Shiiiiittttt! Amazeballs!
The coconut one tastes just like a mounds bar, but they are all great. And only 2 net carbs?!
Oh, they came from Aldi if you have one near you, check them out.

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You only subtract half the sugar alcohol carbs when calculating net carbs, so there’s actually 6.5 total carbs.


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
You only subtract half the sugar alcohol carbs when calculating net carbs, so there’s actually 6.5 total carbs.
I've heard that, but more often I've read that you can subtract them entirely.
I think the discrepancy is due to the fact that some peoples bodies react to them differently.
While they're not metabolized and stored as fat like normal sugar, they do have a differing insulin response depending on the individual.
For some people just the taste of sweetness can spike insulin, and some people will get a higher spike than others from the sugar alcohols.
Not a huge deal either way, but something to be aware of.

Doing all of my eating in a 6 - 10 hour window of the day, with no snacking before or after, has really helped me keep the weight loss going at a fast rate, and kept extended periods of low insulin helping me to feel great.