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Luckysaturn13 s Dog Rocket Reviews!

Rating - 100%
42   0   0
Sep 13, 2014
RP 2019 Victim List
akpreacherplayz (toxic rocket master pastor)
gugalunas - ( with Pennywise827 and GoBison and Avvatar)
oleVAsmoker - TBA
Avvatar - out / Trucking
Rating - 100%
82   0   0
Feb 2, 2017
@akpreacherplayz ,
Label a "special" one just for me.
I ain't skeered.


@Opie says he wants something 'special' as well. He thinks you're bluffing.
I want the most "special" of the bunch. the rankest, nastiest, most horrific dog rocket you got!

to sent to @Glassman for his crimes against humanity
Rating - 100%
9   0   0
Apr 1, 2014
Vernal, Utah
RP 2019 Victim List
akpreacherplayz (toxic rocket master pastor)
gugalunas - ( with Pennywise827 and GoBison and Avvatar)
oleVAsmoker - TBA
Avvatar - out / Trucking
I mean... Uhhhh.... Holy SHIPPING costs, drpman!!!
Rating - 100%
41   0   0
Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
RP 2019 Victim List
akpreacherplayz (toxic rocket master pastor)
gugalunas - ( with Pennywise827 and GoBison and Avvatar)
oleVAsmoker - TBA
Avvatar - out / Trucking
Currently on my way home. I should be able to route things out this coming week.
Rating - 100%
42   0   0
Sep 13, 2014
Dear everyone,
Tonight I had crawfish for dinner and you didn't. I win.


Yeah but I got you beat. I had crabs in the 80's
But If you could hurry up with that truck license? We might need it to haul these poison sticks out of here after AKpreachers' "kinda heavy" box of stink bombs joins the load.
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Rating - 100%
62   0   0
May 21, 2017

Since I can't wait...

Some years ago the instigator of all these shenanigans regaled his readers with the details of a bargain he'd made: He had traded a single good cigar for a whole bunch of not so good ones, with the precondition that he smoke and review them for the amusement of the public at large. He created this thread to honor that deal, and within a few posts, the visionary @herfdog upped the ante

Astonishingly, this was greeted with enthusiasm from a handful of apparently mentally disturbed individuals, including @multi-useless , @Avvatar , and @Bondo 440 . In the years that followed, these bold pioneers recruited, cajoled, shanghaied, threatened, bullied, and sometimes flat out forcibly "volunteered" numerous others to join them in an annual rite of stupidity. Pamplona has its bulls. Britain has its cheese wheels. New Year's eve has drunken revelers with fireworks. YouTube has teenagers on skateboards. Tennessee has @Glassman . But we... we have have the Dog Rocket Pass.

And it's glorious.

Unfortunately, this year the pass became a memorial. As depressing as that is, the camaraderie this foolishness has inexplicably inspired over the years is the perfect vehicle to carry on the memory of our inspired founder. With that in mind, some of the Old Guard (honored be their names)


felt that smoking/reviewing a Panama Red would be a fitting tribute to the memory of LuckySaturn13. It was the first cigar he reviewed, and so would be enjoyed, forcibly if necessary, by his ideological progeny. Thus it was decided; Thus it would be.

And so, with a certain sadness in my heart, but also with an appropriate amount of humorous masochism, I began the latest adventure in expanding my palate.
I went outside to my customary spot, where Bob and company quickly gathered around to see what I was up to this time


Since I was having a special cigar, I thought it prudent to review the sacred scrolls to refresh my Alzheimers (or possibly Mad-Cow) addled memory as to Lucky's original findings: Barnyard, sour lemon, pepper, horsehair, and tar. Aside from the pepper, none of that sounded particularly appealing.

Sour lemon. Sounds like smoking an IPA. Fantastic.

Horsehair? How lovely.

Tar? Meh. That isn't so bad, I guess. It happens.

Barnyard. << this one had me cringing. For those of you who recall last years adventures, I reviewed a wonderful cigar that, thanks to my wife's keen senses, had me imagining I was sucking on a wad of smoldering hay soaked in elephant urine. It was not pleasant. Ever since that day, “barnyard” has become one of my least favorite sections of the flavor wheel.

This was not good.

Barnyard. OK. Hmmm. I eyeballed the cigar while debating giving it a good whiff to see if notes of pachyderm were present. Just as I was screwing up my courage, one of my older children came home from work. Since sadism is as much a part of this pass as masochism, I gleefully seized this opportunity to utilize my offspring as a guinea pig in this project.

me: “Hey, buddy. How was work?'
him: “Fine”
me: “Come here”
him: <Trudges over exuding the boredom mixed with weaponized ambivalence only a teenager can pull off>
me: “smell this”
him: <warily> “why”
me: “ I want your opinion”
him: <starting to edge away> “ ummm...”

at this point, sensing the opportunity was slipping away, I took the initiative and made it happen. Here is rough approximation of how that scene played out:


His opinion, if he gave one, was mumbled under his breath as he vanished inside the house. Probably for the best I didn't hear what he said, so I didn't press the matter further.

So anyway, my lab rat having escaped, I moved on to plan B... which unfortunately was to do it myself. Inhaling deeply, I savored the aroma. Not a lot, thankfully. Just mild tobacco. Sort of dry. Maybe a bit musty.

“Well” thought I, “this might not be so bad”

Looking at it, it seemed a decent specimen:
Milk-chocolate brown in color. Firm. No soft spots. Only one hard spot. A few veins, and some cracking of the wrapper here and there, but not too bad looking really. The cap had an oddly dark discoloration, but I figured I'd just clip that off, so it wasn't a big concern.

Having stalled long enough, I clipped this magnificent bastard and moved on to the cold draw phase of the review.

Cold draw findings:
A bit of hay, but not really “barnyard”. Thank god.
Mustiness, closely associated with the hay, but distinct.
No pepper.
No IPA. I mean, no “sour citrus”.
No horsehair. Although truthfully I'm not sure I'd recognize that as such. A sudden vision of me sneaking through a pasture and creeping up to a horse in order to take a little nibble flashed through my head.
The inevitable ride in a police car. The explanations to the arresting officer. “Well officer, there's this forum...”

I shared this vision with Bob and his friends. They thought it a grand idea and enthusiastically encouraged me to do it.

They're as bad as @Opie :
“Do it!”
“Bite two horses!”

Told them I'd cut off their whiskey if they kept that crap up, but they just snickered.

Deciding to put it behind me, I returned to my contemplation of the Panama:
Looked OK. Smelled OK. Cold draw was low threat. All in all... not bad. Painless so far. Time to press on.

The first draw brought … hay. Dry hay, not urine soaked, so that was fine. Cigar was dry and sort of crackly, despite being the humi long enough to acclimate. Wrapper seemed thin, and fragile.

After a bit, I did get the first sort of bitter/sour taste. I wouldn't call it sour lemon, but maybe lemon peel? Seemed more bitter than sour, but the sour was there to be sure.

This went on for awhile. Bitter hay. Maybe some sour to make it interesting every once in awhile.
Really only note I was getting. Despite taking care during the cut it was unraveling a bit, which sucked.
I finally take my first sip of the Blanton's and afterwards I notice the sour is gone. Or at least beaten into submission a little.
First retro brings the hay strongly back into focus. But still no elephant (or other) urine. This does not disappoint me in the least, BTW.
This is not going nearly as bad as I anticipated, so being the dog rocket pass the only reasonable thing to do is to step it up a little.

You see, dear readers, I have what a few more refined gentlemen around these parts have politely termed a “goat” palate. Not goat as in G.O.A.T. No. Goat as in BillyGoat. It's their polite way of telling me I could set fire to a moldy sock and my review would be something like: “It was OK. Not much pepper. Tasted some Dr Scholls. Sort of bland, really. I'd guess this is a Dominican sock.”

So far, this cigar looked suspiciously like it was headed toward being a mediocre, perhaps mildly off-putting smoke. Not good, but not bad (to me).

I was torn. My assignment was to smoke and review a Panama Red.

But I rarely do what I'm told, and wouldn't you know I just happened to have a cigar left over from last year's pass that I never got around to lighting. And it's also Red.


There's no particular reason I could see to not smoke both, so the Panama (Acid) Red review was born on this night.

Upon opening the package, the Acid smelled like old cologne mixed with red-hots
Is it supposed to be squashed? I haven't had one before. Which end do I light? Does it matter? I'm so confused.


...cold draw is sweet cinnamon. Not awful, really.
First puff is a strong saccharine like taste, with overpowering cinnamon.
After taste is bad. Just bad. And together with the Panama, they sorta taste like... well, like cinnamon hay.
While I was contemplating my stupidity, the Acid went out.
Relight brings less cinnamon, more cologne, and right away the tip of my tongue is tingling.
Saccharine, ash, cinnamon, sweet hay.

With the smell of cologne. On fire.

I quickly discover the Acid will go out in an instant. Temperamental little bastard. It gets aggravating in a hurry so I concentrate on the Panama, leaving the Acid to sort of burn as incense. When I switched back to the Panama, the bitter returned, and mixed with the aftertaste from the Acid, I now have bitter cologne.

Acid is out again. Son of a...
Relight gives me tongue tingling cologne, plus bitter hay from Panama. That's awful. Just awful. Bitter barn cologne. Like licking Old Spice off a horse. That's on fire.

In case you were wondering, both burning together give of a thoroughly unpleasant room note.

Getting into the second third of the Panama, a little bit of dry cedar starts to show up.
The Acid, after another f-ing relight, yielded a "straight" unsweetened cinnamon blast. Straight out of the spice-jar cinnamon. Wow. Damn. I'm awake now.

My Blanton's is tasting a bit like fireball. That probably just bought me another year or two in purgatory. I have doubts about the wisdom of pairing good bourbon with this atrocity, but too late now.

Back of my throat tastes/feels like hell. Bitter, ashy, dry. Regret.

Waiting for the horse hair to show up to push it over the top.

Acid is out.

Relight produces acrid cloud of burnt baking spices. Nutmeg, cinnamon stick, cologne. Nothing sweet. Just burnt, dry spices.

Just ashed on Bob. He isn't any happier about this evening than I am.

Cedar is gone from the Panama. The barnyard is back, especially on retro.
The two cigars do not compliment each other.
In my head, a lyric from Iron Maiden ( the Trooper) is echoing: “the smell of acrid smoke and horses breath... as we plunge on into certain death” That line pretty much describes the combined flavor profile right now, and more or less my mood.

This is bullshit.

Vein on Panama doesn't want to burn, and now the wrapper is jacked up. Removed the band, which was undoubtedly a bad call since it was probably the only thing holding it together.

Back to the Acid, the sweet saccharine cinnamon is gone. Now it's like sucking on one of those dry cinnamon sticks my mom used to put in apple cider.

Out of nowhere, my olfactory elves showed up.
Called me an asshole.
Not sure what that was about.

It seems like I'm licking the inside of an empty box of red-hots while standing in an old musty hayloft.
That's on fire.

Acid out again.

Screw it. It's going to be out for a bit. Will revisit when I'm done being annoyed.

Without the Acid, the dry, musty, smoldering hayloft notes in the Panama really shine.

Despite no sane reason to do it, I relight the Acid.
It's short now. Like lighting a roach. But an awful one... One you found in an ashtray that someone drinking Goldshlager threw up in. It's nothing but bitter now. Burnt spices and paper.

Retro on Panama back to dry cedar.
Acid just tastes like something generically bad.
That's on fire.

Is that a thing? Flaming bad?

Reader: "What's it taste like?"
Reviewer: “Bad on fire”
Reader: “Can you be more specific?”
Reviewer: “No”

My elves are just mashing the F.U. button in my head.
Here comes the scorched nutmeg, burnt allspice, and cinnamony ass flavor again: “F.U.”
Here comes the hay: “F.U.”
Here comes the colo... “F.U.”
Here com... “F.U. F.U. F.U... “

To my unwavering joy, the Panama hasn't needed a single relight. Starting the last third, it's mainly mild tobacco. Some bitter in background maybe, but not bad.
ten pic limit. please stand-by...
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