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Rash of PM's from noobs?

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Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Am I the only one who's received PM's from multiple newbies in the last week or two asking for CC vendor sources? I have of course reported them, but just wondering if I'm being targeted for some reason, maybe a post I made before somewhere, or if you all are getting them as well?

And a note to the noobs who may have just gained access to this forum: if I don't know you and haven't had extensive interaction with you, I'm not at all interested in sharing sharing trusted (hypothetical) sources I've (hypothetically) used for years and have established (hypothetical) relationships with.

If you want to gain some sources, spend some time here getting to know folks. Establish yourself as a valuable and contributing member of this forum. Get involved in the passes, trades, and especially in the conversation and camaraderie. Establish some friendships, and eventually someone will voluntarily share their sources with you.

But the surest way to get on someone's ignore list, and to NOT get sources is to come in as a noob and ask for them. Don't do that.

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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
Yeah, I've gotten it as well. I'm a noob to this section.

It hasn't been an out and out ask for info, but pretty close. I've fended it off without being rude or breaking rules, but it is slightly annoying.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
...If you want to gain some sources, spend some time here getting to know folks. Establish yourself as a valuable and contributing member of this forum. Get involved in the passes, trades, and especially in the conversation and camaraderie. Establish some friendships, and eventually someone will voluntarily share their sources with you...
this right here!

new guys, we are predominantly american membership, and the site is based in the USA, and we DO NOT and CANNOT discuss trade or sale of cuban cigars openly. the LAST thing we need is to endanger the continued operation of a really cool community because someone wanting privelage. bide your time, hang out and have fun with the community that has been created by a bunch of very cool people over a decade. that should be your primary concern. i have yet to see someone who is a participating and contributing member of our community want for anything.

anyone who has issues with PMs like these, please report the PMs. anyone who has questions about this, please PM brent or i. anyone who has issues with this policy, grow up.

EDIT: and, FWIW, i really do not fault the NFG's their curiosity. we really cannot be who we are without talking cuban cigars. while i am mostly non-cuban by choice and preference, i know my cigar journey wouldn't be complete without a more complete knowledge of CCs. the issue, however, is site policy, and rudeness against contributing members
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
I got one- don't know why I would as I've only chimed in on the subject once or twice in a thread. Seemed weird that he would pm me about it. I guess someone just mass messages people looking for an answer. Because I'm obviously still a noob too.


that's what she said
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Sep 20, 2013
your moms house
I'm guilty. I did PM one person who very kindly referred me to someone else. I've only been on 3 months. I'm not here to take advantage of anyone or anything. I love it here and plan on sticking around. I seriously hope i haven't offended anyone for any reason. If so please pm me so we can talk it out. I love the brotherhood. I love smoking cigars and sharing the same with others. If I've done our do anything wrong or offensive please please let me know kindly. That's the last thing i want


WTF is a Donk?
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Sep 1, 2006
Seymour, CT
Wow, that's actually rather rude, and a sure way to get booted off a board too. Glad I haven't had anyone I don't know ask, I'd enjoy messing with them for a while.
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Jun 18, 2013
Madison, WI
I got one but the person was asking more about a specific vendor. Not really asking for a list of them..
I've been offline the past few weeks (spent the holidays in the hospital), but I got a couple of these while I was away. They were asking about vendors I've never heard of.


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Sep 7, 2013
I always wondered how many of these the seasoned CC vets got on here. It must be quite the annoyance. I havent even gotten past asking for certain HTF NCs one or two CCs and I have been on here for a couple of months. I would not even dream of asking for CC sources though.

Newbs, the best advice you can get from me as I am also a faily new guy is that you want to make a name for yourself here. You want to participate in some bombs, you want to make friends and you want to contribute. As my dad always says, "you have to bring something to the table".

Build relationships and earn some trust.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
For the new guys that say, "I'm new pardon my rudeness but I have every intention of sticking around". (I'm really not pointing fingers at anyone, seriously!!!!) I will be going on 6 years here this year. I can count on both my hands how many active old guys are here. This IMO is why we protect vendor knowledge. Stick around 6-12 months, be active on the board. Doors open up.
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Apr 10, 2012
Ive had a few; this is the entire reason that I stopped posting in the "latest NC and CC purchase" thread.. people started using it as their personal thread to ask me how much I wanted for stuff I had just bought. Last time I checked the thread wasn't called "New stuff that I just got in that Im taking offers on...."

sucks, I liked that thread.
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