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Dec 2, 2014
NE Indiana
Recharging absolutely does work. I've even recharged packs that have gone completely dry. You can just put them in a sealed container next to a shot glass filled with distilled water. The bovedas will absorb the humidity from the evaporating dw. The process usually takes about a week. Check them to make sure they don't over fill, or the paper wrapping can become compromised. The same can happen if you spill any of the water on them. I usually discard them when that happens. To be on the safe side, in a big enough container instead of a shot glass, place a clean unused sponge soaked with dw in a small dish. I made a container with a screen in it. I pour dw in the bottom, and then the bovedas sit on the screen high and dry above the water as they recharge. Here's a link to the build thread:
You can set up a rotation of recharging packs while others are in your humidor, and save money on constantly buying new ones.
Ive been recharging mine by throwing them directly in a ziplock with distilled water for quite a while now. Works like a charm in about 3 days. The ones in white "paper" can't be done this way as they will disintegrate.
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Nov 16, 2014
I've heard from others who do that, and that just seems bananas to me. I've only used the brown packs, and the couple times mine have actually come into contact with liquid water, the paper has become really flimsy to the touch and it has brought some of the salts from the interior to the surface. Like I said, you're not the only one I've heard this from, so if it works for you, keep on with it.


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
Don't soak them!.. leave in a tupperware with some beads or something else producing humidity, and wait.. they will slowly absorb anything over their set %.. IF they aren't already dry to the point of being crispy.. there are a few threads around here about recharging. I recharge mine, with no issues.

I've soaked them at times and they work fine. But I was okay with losing them if they didn't hold up.