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Thread for OE 2014 Pics and Updates


BoM Aug. 2014
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Oct 30, 2013
The frozen tundra of Minnesota.
There were 2 bridges at the end of this slum which traversed a "mote" of sorts. The mote appeared to have feces and urine mixed with the fertile soil of the Nicaraguan earth. Across each bridge lived at least 3 generations of family (in each dwelling).
At the first bridge was a young man with children. When were first arrived he was scowling, uneasy and seemingly territorial.

I learned earlier that this was the purpose of the neighborhood gangs: to protect those who lived there.

When we left this same young father was smiling and waving with what seemed to be joy. He never came across the bridge, nor did we interact with (handshake or otherwise) but I left knowing he could tell why we and the members of TECHO were there.

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Oct 9, 2013
Easton, PA
It is amazing the living conditions some of the people you met are in. Makes me really glad that we raised all of this money for OE to give the kids a better life.
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Jan 3, 2011
Great thread and pictures guys...kudos to everyone that supported OE this year!
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Jul 23, 2013
It really is a great thread and a great story. Such small things that we take for granted can change an entire communities lives for the better.

To everyone involved, well done!


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
This was a trip of a life time, and a life changing event and very emotional couples days .....
Seeing these kids have the smile, running and playing was worth it all. Seeing these kids definitely pulled on my heart sting....
TECHO tour was just overwhelming, seeing how these people live and how hard life really is. I know with the help of BOTL we can help change the living condition for some of these people , our help at the school by way of food and teaching assistants will all so go along way ........http://s243.photobucket.com/user/bmckelvy_2007/slideshow/BOTL%20OE%202014


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Something I had talked to the school about quite a bit before we went down there.. but really didnt have a solid grasp on until we actually sat and spoke with the teachers was the importance of "food security" for these kids.. and and how the nutrition program at the education center helps to provide that...

we were told that the majority of the children attending the school did not eat breakfast at all.... that the first bit of food they got for the day (and sometimes the last) was provided while they were at school.... those that do eat in the morning typically get coffee to drink, and a small piece of bread... thats it... (these children were ages 3 to about 16 by the way... when we asked for clarity about the coffee.. the teachers told us very plainly.. that ALL of the children, regardless of age, if they get something to drink in the morning.. its typically coffee (I am assuming this is because the water at home isnt potable.. and by boiling it to make coffee, it keeps them from getting sick?)... when they go home at night.. the typical dinner meal is very small and not often nutritious.. mostly just bread.. or a little bit of rice and beans....

The school really tries hard to make sure every kid gets a balanced meal, every day while they are there... but they struggle with this.. there isnt enough funding to buy protein.. we were told they might get some chicken once a month or so.. and that its a real treat.. normally the school gives them water (clean), and rice and beans.. and some vegetables when they are available.. and they occasionally simply dont have enough to go around.. so some students end up going without every now and then...

the BOTL contribution assures them that the class we sponsored doesnt go hungry this year.. (we're also picking up the tab on making sure the teachers are paid, school supplies are paid for, teachers training is paid for, etc.. for the class)...

Prior to going down there.. I knew a chunk of our money was going toward food....

But I really didnt appreciate just how important that was... or that it was as big a struggle as it is... until I saw it for myself...

I need another day or two to get my thoughts together, sort through some more pictures, etc... but.. Ill make a detailed brief later and include tons of pictures.. all of us are still pretty exhausted and are just starting to get caught up and get our minds wrapped around everything we saw and experienced..

Needless to say.. it was an incredible trip.. and an emotional roller coaster ride.. full of very joyous highs.. and a couple of misty eyed moments when the reality of what you were hearing and seeing set in.... Drew Estate was an absolutely stellar host and took great care of us.. I am still just blown away by the hospitality they showed us...

If you didnt go with us this year.. you really need to think about heading down with us in the future... I'm pretty sure we'll be planning additional trips to provide hands on support to not only the school.. but also to the families and the general community around Esteli.. We're also already talking about what OE 2015 might look like.. and would love for some "top contributors" to head down with us next year to get the same experience that the 7 of us that made this trip got this time around..

The neighborhood in the photos below is a little more than a mile from Drew Estate.. many people that work in the cigar factories live in the homes in this area... the school is less than a 5 minute car ride from DR... and many of the children that go there have parents that work in the factories..



BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
oh.. meant to mention....

Joel gives "rock star" a whole new meaning and level of status....

Kids LOVE Joel.. you would have thought we were walking around with Branjolina in tow.. kids were flocking to him like he was giving away candy or something.... :grin:
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Aug 12, 2012
Awesome stuff mdwest. I only bought a few raffle tickets, but am still glad to have been a part of this.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
Awesome stuff mdwest. I only bought a few raffle tickets, but am still glad to have been a part of this.
hey, every nickle, every fiver to the raffel, every pass along on other social media, even just bumping an auction thread here to the top page, it ALL accumulated to what we did. every little stone built this wall.

and, now that we have seen from the top of that wall, we have ideas on where to go next and where this path leads. GO O.E. '15! o)

EDIT: in all fairness, like most well crafted phrasing, all of it was cribbed from conversations with greater folk. credit where due and all that...
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BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
one thing I thought was very cool that I noticed while we were there...

notice all of the filth, dirt, trash, debris, etc.. all over the place?

then look at the school... while parts of it are pretty run down.. it was amazingly CLEAN...

and look at the kids.. not just the ones at school.. but the ones we interacted with in the neighborhoods.... clean clothes, clean faces, etc..

most of these homes have no running water.... very, very few of them have any electricity or other power source...

but.. these people make sure their kids are bathed, that their clothes are washed, and that they have decent hygiene..

the inside of their homes were also almost always swept out, free of trash/clutter, etc.. they obviously take great pride in the few things they do have.. and take care of themselves (to the best of their ability) and their homes..

I thought that was super cool...