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Weird shit that you do.


The fly in the ointment.
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Jul 21, 2014
I make up rhymes about my dog and rap to him. He likes it.
I become a complete idiot around my dog. I make up songs about him, too, but usually in fake old time blues style or riffs on Broadway show tunes (especially Oliver for some reason). I also talk to him in a Peter Lorre voice (yes, nice doggie, yes), and have about 20 nicknames form him. Mr. Yasamoto, Mervin, Leopold, Junior, etc.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
I crush the milk carton and water bottles before throwing away for this reason

NOTHING annoys me more than when someone puts an item in a bin that completely fills the bin. The bin is not the destination! The bin is for convenience! If you put one item in there that fills it, it takes away the whole purpose of having the bin there! GAH!
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
I become a complete idiot around my dog. I make up songs about him, too, but usually in fake old time blues style or riffs on Broadway show tunes (especially Oliver for some reason). I also talk to him in a Peter Lorre voice (yes, nice doggie, yes), and have about 20 nicknames form him. Mr. Yasamoto, Mervin, Leopold, Junior, etc.
I also run the gamut when it comes to singing to the dog but for this thread I thought I`d keep it gangstertrub.jpg
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Jan 22, 2011
SouthWestern Ontario, Canada
- I cannot shit unless I have something to read....if there isn't a paper/book/magazine handy or I don't have my cell I have resorted to reading the back of shampoo bottles.
- I always put my wallet in my right front pocket, phone in my right jacket pocket and keys in left jacket pocket....no exceptions...ever. I will check that I have all three items maybe 3-5 times before leaving the house.
- If my wife and I are eating at a restaurant I will not sample anything from her plate...if she wants to try something from mine that is ok but I have made my mental commitment to what I am eating and the last think I want is to mess up my experience by sampling your dish. If I like what you are eating better than what I have it will piss me off immensely and I would rather not take that chance.
- I dump my cigar ashtray before lighting up the first cigar or pipe of the day every time....no exceptions. If I smoke multiple cigars or pipes in a day I will accumulate the ashes and butts for that day but before I can light a cigar or fire up a bowl the next day I must dump and clean the ashtray so that it is completely empty and clean. It's mostly just good housekeeping but I just cannot stand a full ashtray.
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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
[QUOTE="Smokin Aces,
- I dump my cigar ashtray before lighting up the first cigar or pipe of the day every time....no exceptions. If I smoke multiple cigars or pipes in a day I will accumulate the ashes and butts for that day but before I can light a cigar or fire up a bowl the next day I must dump and clean the ashtray so that it is completely empty and clean. It's mostly just good housekeeping but I just cannot stand a full ashtray.[/QUOTE]

Totally understand this one


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
i use chapstick 8000 times a day

carmex, in the clicky stick thingy only

i buy like 30 at a time(basically whatever is on the shelf when i reload)

worst part about spending a couple overnighters in jail when i was younger was not being in jail, it was not having chap stick. Not joking. I fear a place where i cant have chapstick


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
stems from a horrible problem i had as a kid with cold sores. in middle school id miss school because they would be so bad at times. sounds gross, but whatever. part of being an awkward 12 year old i guess.

Started using chapstick then and now my lips dont moisturize on their own thus the need for chapstick is alive and well.

i probably could overcome it but i assume id have to go through a period of letting my lips literally scab over before healing and solving the issue on their own. In meantime, id rather just use chapstick. Not to mention i have soft lips:)


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
I see the same band multiple times every year, in multiple states and always have an amazing time.
Some people think that is very weird and say things like "Isn't seeing them one time enough?" "Don't you get bored?" "How can that be fun?"
Usually I just laugh and walk away!
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Feb 2, 2015
Carlton,MN Western End of Lake Superior
stems from a horrible problem i had as a kid with cold sores. in middle school id miss school because they would be so bad at times. sounds gross, but whatever. part of being an awkward 12 year old i guess.

Started using chapstick then and now my lips dont moisturize on their own thus the need for chapstick is alive and well.

i probably could overcome it but i assume id have to go through a period of letting my lips literally scab over before healing and solving the issue on their own. In meantime, id rather just use chapstick. Not to mention i have soft lips:)
Start using Carmex and only Carmex and the problem will stop. Chapstick has something in their formula that makes you need to use it constantly. I never touch the shit anymore for that reason.