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Today's Bourbon

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Feb 2, 2015
Notice that article is 2014, so a lot of the info on availability is outdated... I can get SmB about every 6 weeks, rarely see SiB anymore.

The thing you have to remember is that the Small Batch is a blend of barrels, chosen to target a certain taste profile for that brand. If you like that profile, it will be replicated in every bottle.

Single Barrel will naturally have variation from barrel to barrel. I've had SiB that was absolutely spectacular, and I've had some that were just good. The extra $20-30 is not worth it if you are satisfied with SmB, but if you like taking the chance that you will get one of the spectacular ones, that difference in $ might be worth it.
Thanks for the reply man! I’ve seen the Single Barrel EHT quite regularly in my travels, however, at $80 it was never that much appealing to me. After reading that outdated comparison, I must admit my opinion hasn’t changed. The EHT Small Batch was my 7th Bourbon in my collection and very early in my journey. It was my first BiB and I can recall it being a tad underwhelming. The price is still right and the packaging is among the finest in Kentucky.

The next EHT will hopefully be the Barrel Proof or Rye, although the latter is much easier to come by.

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Feb 2, 2015
Thank you, I enjoy trying to experiment to find the right cigar(s) for the drink. I would say I smoke 10-12 cigars a week on average. The lounge you frequent sounds great, hope you get to move closer or find another place you enjoy closer to your new place.

I have not tried the EHT SiB, but I just received a bottle of Rye yesterday from a friend, can't wait to try it.
10-12 is impressive! I’m a social cigar enjoyer so i almost never smoke alone, so that limits my total number of sticks. I recently had 4 in one sitting, and that was one too many.

That lounge I go to use to be local to me. I’ve tried several others and just can’t find the same camaraderie. It has a lot to do with the seating arrangement. Most lounges have seating sections, but mine is communal. It’s one big square, so everyone is part of the conversation. It’s well worth the commute, but only every other week. If it was every week, I would need to invest in other means of transportation.... like a helicopter lol

Looking forward to hearing about your EHT Rye experience.

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Feb 2, 2015
Exciting day at my cigar lounge. Tons of great whiskey to pass around and the company was as good as ever. Plus it’s always interesting listening to the conversation after the whiskey flows. Some spirited debates to say the least lol

My first ever Weller 12. A member i share with regularly brought it in just for me to try.

My 3rd Bourbon in my collection, still finds a spot after all this time

Kirkland 103 Small Batch. $30 for a Liter and it is sooooo good

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May 14, 2012
Now that I'm a costco member I might have to check this out!!

That said, for $30 a liter, I will probably stick to my drink tonight which is Wild Turkey 101. This stuff has to be one of the most underrated bourbons (and I'm not complaining. Whatever keeps the price low)

Exciting day at my cigar lounge. Tons of great whiskey to pass around and the company was as good as ever. Plus it’s always interesting listening to the conversation after the whiskey flows. Some spirited debates to say the least lol

My first ever Weller 12. A member i share with regularly brought it in just for me to try.

My 3rd Bourbon in my collection, still finds a spot after all this time

Kirkland 103 Small Batch. $30 for a Liter and it is sooooo good

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Feb 2, 2015
Couldn't wait any longer to crack the EHT Rye. Drank it neat after letting the pour sit for about 20 minutes. Just outstanding in every way, the finish is spicy and amazing. I wondered if I was just biased so I poured myself a half pour of one of my favorite go-to ryes to see. It wasn't bias. :LOL: :love:

Good to know, I’ll need to keep this on my radar and test it out against my favorite Rye; Willett Family Estate.

Added this one to my collection on Friday. I’ve heard great things about it from multiple sources. I’ve even heard it compares pretty closely to the Birthday Bourbons, and in some cases, is considered better. However I have never had OF Birthday Bourbon before, let alone seen one on the shelf.

It’s not very often anymore I get a Bourbon I instantly fall in love with after the first sip. I guess I’m just spoiled these days, but this one really took me by surprise. At $53 it’s also a great deal, which is a tiny fraction of the price of OFBB’s I’ve seen on the secondary.

Very viscous and oily with a lack of the usual cherry note I usually am hit with every other Old Forester Bourbon I’ve enjoyed, this was a pleasant surprise to me.

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Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Popped into a little strip mall liquor store while running other errands out of town today. I looked through their bourbon selection, it actually wasn't too bad but I didn't see anything that intrigued me. As I was leaving, the clerk told me they had a bottle of Blanton's but had sold it yesterday. I asked how much, he said $139. Wow.

I started towards the door again, and she asked "Did you see we have Eagle Rare?". She then pointed to a section that was full of random stuff, not just bourbon. $69 for the 760ml Eagle Rare. Right.

Then a Booker's box caught my eye in the same hodge podge section. $89, only about $10 more than Booker's at my usual haunts. But then I looked closer... @BourbonBinder , I found the Funk! :LOL: :cool:

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Feb 2, 2015

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How is this one? I’m always looking to expand my Barrel Proof selection.

Also you and I are of the same mind. I too am quite orderly with my bourbon collection being in tidy even rows. I go one step further and make sure I have at least 1/2 inch space in between each bottle lol

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Feb 2, 2015
Popped into a little strip mall liquor store while running other errands out of town today. I looked through their bourbon selection, it actually wasn't too bad but I didn't see anything that intrigued me. As I was leaving, the clerk told me they had a bottle of Blanton's but had sold it yesterday. I asked how much, he said $139. Wow.

I started towards the door again, and she asked "Did you see we have Eagle Rare?". She then pointed to a section that was full of random stuff, not just bourbon. $69 for the 760ml Eagle Rare. Right.

Then a Booker's box caught my eye in the same hodge podge section. $89, only about $10 more than Booker's at my usual haunts. But then I looked closer... @BourbonBinder , I found the Funk! :LOL: :cool:

Woah! Awesome score, you don’t see that batch release all too often. Well worth the extra $10. Glad the Funk found you, this one turns it up to eleven.

Both the Eagle Rare & Blanton’s is priced at least double what that should be normally, $69 for Eagle is a joke. I once saw a bottle of $50 Willett Family Estate Rye priced at $199. Instead of asking I took a picture, had a laugh, and walked out the door.

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