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Got any other hobbies?


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
Bocce? I bocce!
Same here! My buddy and I just won a 20+ team doubles tournament this past weekend and our city league starts up on Monday. Our league is said to be the biggest per capita in the entire country.

Well WELCOME from another HBT brother. Brewing is an amazing hobby for sure!

MAN I NEED TO GET MY ROLLING STUFF! Cole where did you get your molds? What one would you suggest? I'm gonna need like 20 of them..BAAAhhhhaaaaaa just kidding!

This is the one I got because I don't have a vice or anything and its half the price of most other molds. So far I'm happy with it... https://www.leafonly.com/other-tobacco-leaves/tobacco-accessories/cigar-mold-48-gauge-round-cap

If you do have a press then this is also an option at the cost of another $35-40 http://wholeleaftobacco.com/Professional-Cigar-Mold-50-x-8-CGRMLD50.htm

Lastly some guys make their own single cigar molds out of pvc and hose clamps. So thats another option.
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Jan 28, 2012
Merriam, KS
Vegetable gardening, bbq/cooking, and working out. I've dabbled in brewing my own beer and would like to get more into it. I'm also a huge sports fan. I went skeet shooting for the first time not long ago and could see getting more involved in that. I had a great time. My wife and I are also huge history buffs.
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Sep 10, 2014
Riding and wrenching on motorcycles, both dirt and street. I have a special place in my heart for vintage Euro bikes. My daily rider is a 71 BMW. My dirt bike is Euro too, a 05 GasGas EC250 made in Spain. I also have a Soviet sidecar rig that I grew up riding in the sidecar. My son and daughter now have that pleasure and also dirt ride with me. Son (9) has a Honda XR80 and daughter (14) a Polaris Trailblazer 250 quad. The wife has no interest in riding but fully supports my hobby.

Funny story, I have had the Beemer since I was 16. It branded my wife's leg on the hot exhaust way back in high school. 10 years later we started dating and ended up getting married. Smart motorcycle.
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Feb 3, 2015
Black Hills of South Dakota
For recreation, I go bowling or workout at the gym. I love listening to tapes with music on them.
Wait, doesn't the tape get your iPod all sticky and block the screen?:D I actually rocked out to 8 tracks while cruising the main drag in high school, not because they were the thing, but that's how old my buddy's ride was, not that I can talk. It was strictly AM radio in mine :facepalm:

I like to restore old straight razors. Get 'em all cleaned up and sharp, then realize no matter how many I have I still just get the one face to shave. I'll also restore old shave brushes. Carefully, with surgeon like precision, yank the old hair out and pop in a new knot. Basically anything related to old school wet shaving I get in to. I play a mean 12 string guitar on occasion, been quite some time since I've been on a stage though.
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
I enjoy cooking, married my wife almost 36 years ago and quickly learned if I wanted to eat I had better get to cooking. Nothing fancy, just common comfort stuff.

During the summer I try to grow a garden. Mostly tomatoes, peppers, squash and strawberries. Garden is 9x36.

We have 3 grown kids and 8 Grandkids which we love dearly. My kids and I are close and rarely a day goes by that I don't get calls from all 3.

Love ML baseball and college basketball. I rarely miss a St. Louis Cardinal game on TV.

Love good coffee but I don't consider it a hobby.

I am kind of in limbo with my music home audio love affair. I began collecting vinyl records of music I enjoyed back in 1991, but lost my collection of 20,000 albums in a tornado in 2011. Afterwards I just don't have the drive to start again. Maybe some day, but it doesn't have the importance it once did.

I also enjoy guns and shooting. I go deer hunting but usually just enjoy watching the wildlife. Just don't really have the desire to kill anything anymore.

I will turn 62 this year and really wish I could retire while I still feel good. But that doesn't look very probable. Probably have to keep at it a few more years.


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Feb 2, 2015
Carlton,MN Western End of Lake Superior
Fishing is my first love. It was Walleye fishing for a lot of the years but now its chasing Salmon on Lake Superior. My boat is just a 16' 6" so it is small for that lake so I have to watch the weather close.
My second would be nature photography. I sort of gave up the guns for the camera equipment and find that I never have a bad day of "hunting" with the camera.
I like to cook but keep it pretty simple. I was roasting my own coffee but just have a hard time getting myself to fire up the roaster. It is a Behmor 1600 and my bean of choice was just a Colombian Surpremo roasted to a Full City + or just into the second crack.
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Dec 31, 2013
Hughesville, MD. USA
I love to fish! Fish for just about anything that swims. I grew up fishing with my brothers and father. I entered my first bass tournament back in 1990 and was hooked on it. Fished a lot of local buddy tournaments and also a few regional and national tourneys. When I divorced the mother of my children I had a decision to make. I had my daughters every weekend and half the week so either spend the time with my girls or fish tournaments.......I chose time with my girls. Never looked back!
I still love to fish and do as often as I can but certainly not enough.

Recently I was given a gas fired smoker and now smoking meats has become my "other" obsession! I've gained at least 10 pounds since August!


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
I've got a few other hobbies.
Playing guitar, snowboarding, surfing, film photography, digital photography, reading, traveling, traveling to see Phish, going to concerts, reading, learning new stuff, exercise, riding my new bike, hanging with my wife and dog.
*edit* I forgot to add going to Phillies games as a hobby. Can't wait!
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Nov 13, 2014
Fort Wainwright, AK
Now that my son is walking I can get back to the outdoors. I love hiking and meandering through creeks and rivers. I love to shoot, mostly handguns as I don't own any rifles or shotguns. I want to start hunting, I've lived in cities my whole life and up until recently it just never had an appeal to me. I like to cook, I plan on entering culinary school after the Army with the hopes of owning a food truck, a restaurant, or both. I love my wife too. I'm trying to get her into buying us some beach cruisers and just go on bike rides with the kid.
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Dec 23, 2013
Yuma, AZ
Well I got into homebrewing last fall and that can be a slippery slope as well ( hey I just need to buy this to make my beer better.....). Also occasinally throw some meat on the smoker. I have like to call myself a woodworker, but nothing real compicated yet. I like to shoot whenever I have the time and also spend plent of time playing Lego Star Wars video game and actual legoes with my son. You know just for the kid though right @cgraunke !


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Lots of hobbies to keep this retiree busy since 1996:
Motorcycles...cruising all of the hot spots in the USA and Caribbean and Europe
Golf....love to play any TPC in the States...love Arizona courses.
Travel...all 49 states except for Alaska...it's on my bucketlist for next year on a cruise
Foodie....DriveInns Diners and Dives as well as sophisticated dining...love Emerils
Watch Collecting....


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I wish I had time for other hobbies. Currently my free time is spent trying to burn some calories in the gym and drinking bourbon. Mmmmmm...... I do love to go shooting a couple times a year though with my wife. She is a natural, I never seen anyone shoot so good without even trying. I have to say makes me a little jealous.
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Feb 9, 2015
Buffalo/Rochester NY
My hobbies- I love to hunt, especially turkey and bow hunting for deer. I'm a big golfer in the summer, but i feel like no matter how much I play I never get better, but I'm almost always the best dressed guy out there. I love trying out new beers and finding the perfect wine to pair with dinner.