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Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Not really. I was using resistance tubes rated at 8lbs per arm. 45 minutes later and I'm dizzy, I'm sleepy, my vision is blurry, and I am seriously nauseous. The fucked up part is that it doesn't feel like over exertion. It isn't the I ran a marathon type of feeling or the feeling when you short circuit your nervous system by going for 1rm on all three lifts. It is like your body trying to shut down because your brain and muscles aren't communicating in the middle of a bout of vertigo, and your thoughts are disjointed because the synapses aren't making connections.

I just don't care anymore. I can't keep hanging around all day doing jack shit besides watching podcast and vlogs while occasionally going out to eat or reading a book. So, I'm walking at least .5 miles on a trail that has several elevation changes and I'm going to do some form of resistance training daily.

Now I'm off to vestibular therapy with the PT and then we'll see. I've gotten to the point I'm ready to run myself in to the ground. Either get stronger or blow it all up.
Dammit...I hope this crap heals up soon man.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Lost another 1/4" off my waist....that's just over 2" now on this brutal cut that has only seen me lose 5lbs. Not too sure what's going on...but I'm 99% sure I'm too damn old to be hitting the mythical recomp.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020

Started doing incline speed shrugs to try and hit the upper traps. 45lbsx75reps is absolutely BRUTAL.
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Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
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Mar 8, 2022
Kettlebell static holds rotating between rack, suitcase, and overhead every 30 seconds for six minutes.

I got stuck driving in the rain Thursday night and it blew me up. The wipers constantly cutting across my vision, the distortion of the rain mixing with the couple of seconds of clear vision, and a huge truck with bright lights plus two light bars destroyed my vision and scrambled my brain. I drove for about ten miles with one eye closed to kinda clear my vision.

Now my vision is slightly blurry, my balance is off, I can't bend or squat without balance issues and eye pain, I'm constantly fatigued, and smoking cigars causes balance issues for some reason. It was like getting set back a month.
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Mar 8, 2022

This is the basis of my lateral raise. I alternate hands to stop momentum. They're called Bulldozer Lateral Raises.

KB Bulldozer Lateral Raise x 10/side
KB Standing OHP x 6/side alternating strict and Arnold press

Vestibular Therapy with PT coming.
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Mar 8, 2022
Pull overs -> skull crusher super set - reverse ladder 10-8-6-4-2 (10 count rest between sets.)

Two handed KB front raise x 8

KB Floor press x 6/side

Basically just random stuff every 20 or 30 minutes. I wouldn't really call it an organized workout. I get frustrated and bored. Then I just do what I can before symptoms kick up again.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
@MikeNice - any good ones for big traps? All I have are adjustable dumbbells at my disposal, up to 90lbs each. Currently doing upright rows, speed shrugs and incline shrugs.
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Mar 8, 2022
@MikeNice - any good ones for big traps? All I have are adjustable dumbbells at my disposal, up to 90lbs each. Currently doing upright rows, speed shrugs and incline shrugs.
Nothing in particular for traps. I used high pulls a lot. That and lots of slow shrugs for time under tension.

One thing people miss is that trap muscles are kind of fan shaped. So, instead of dragging the dumbbell straight up your legs for shrugs, try to use a little bit of rearward motion. Visualize it as trying to get your shoulder slightly behind your ear instead of in your ear canal.

You can also combine a 60 second suitcase carry with a set of mild upright rows. At max height keep the weight between your sternum and nipples for shoulder safety. You get a long weighted stretch that can benefit hypertrophy and counter act a little bit of the performance issue that comes with long stretches. Just be careful with the weight, watch for signs of stress on the cervical spine, and try to follow the natural path of the muscle.

Dumbbell clean and press may also help, but it is a full body exercise and you should start light until you get the groove.

Edit: When doing trap work don't roll your shoulder forward at the top. I know some people do shoulder circles while doing shrugs. I recommend against it because when your trap is completely contracted you're adding a stretch to the muscle. It can lead to neck pain or worse if you get too extreme with it. There are a ton of small muscles in the posterior delta that work to support and add mobility. You could over stress one and lead to nagging issues.
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